Create, Delete and List Custom Fields

Use these API endpoints to create a new custom field or delete or list existing custom fields for a specified subcompany. You need to provide the subcompany ID in the URL path and the takeover secret must be included in the header.

Create Custom Fields

This API endpoint enables you to create new custom fields for a specified subcompany. Besides providing the subcompany ID in the URL path and the takeover secret in the header, make sure you include the custom field details in the JSON body.

Delete Custom Fields

This API endpoint enables you to create new custom fields for a specified subcompany. Besides providing the subcompany ID in the URL path and the takeover secret in the header, the request body should contain the IDs of the custom fields to be deleted.

List Custom Fields

Use this API endpoint to list all custom fields for a specified subcompany. You'll only need the subcompany id in the URL path and takeover secret in the header.

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