
Yola Variables store and retrieve information during a chatbot interaction, such as user input, customer details, and communication channel information. These variables can be used across bot actions to dynamically display or manipulate data.

Using Variables in Bot Actions

Variables are applied differently depending on the bot action:

Bot Actions That Require Delimiters e.g.{}

For these bot actions, you must enclose the variable name in curly braces {}:

  • Bot Message

  • Create Ticket

  • Carousel

  • Email

  • Hyperlink

  • Survey

Bot Actions That Do Not Require Delimiters e.g.{}

For these bot actions, variables are inserted directly into the input fields. These input boxes are identified by the </> ProtoScript label at the bottom:

  • Branch (e.g. for POST when a JSON input is required)


  • Modify Variable

Available Variables


Captures and stores the most recent input provided by the user during the chat.

Example value of a _user_input variable
"user_input": "I need help resetting my password"


Captures the language detected from the user's input during the session.

Example value of a _lang variable
"_lang": "en"


Stores the profile information of the user based on the communication channel. For Webchat, additional information such as IP address, and location is captured.

For example, to use the value saved for customer location, use {_channel_profile.location} for Create Ticket actions and _channel_profile.location for Branch actions.

Example value of a _channel_profile variable
  "id": "01JF81FGTHY56BG5G9EDNVSK9C",
  "display_name": null,
  "location": null,
  "email": null,
  "phone_number": null,
  "ip_address": "",
  "info": {}


Captures the customer profile, including any custom fields populated by the pre-chat form on Webchat apps.

For example, to use the value saved for customer location, use {} for Create Ticket actions and for Branch actions.

Example value of a _customer variable
  "id": "01JF81FGTE44Q56M881BKNH1Q5",
  "external_customer_id": null,
  "name": "team",
  "location": null,
  "email": null,
  "phone_number": null,
  "provided_unique_id": null,
  "tags": [],
  "tag_groups": [],
  "custom_fields": {"Loyalty Level": "Silver"}


Contains information about the communication channel where the chat occurs.

For example, to use the value saved for customer location, use {_channel.type} for Create Ticket actions and _channel.type for Branch actions.

Example value of a _channel variable
  "id": "channel_01",
  "type": "webchat"


Provides details of a newly created ticket, including its ID and key attributes.

For example, to use the value saved for customer location, use {} for Message actions and for Branch actions.

Example value of a _new_ticket variable
  "id": "new_ticket_123",
  "title": "Password Reset Request",
  "customer_id": "01JF81FGTE44Q56M881BKNH1Q5",
  "assignee_type": "team",
  "assignee_id": "CS Team",
  "description": "User needs help resetting their password",
  "bot_id": "bot_01",
  "channel_id": "channel_01",
  "custom_attrs": ["Priority: High"]


Fetches details of a specific ticket using its Ticket ID.

For example, to use the value saved for customer location, use {_track.fetch_ticket_by_ticket_id("XXX")} for Message actions and _track.fetch_ticket_by_ticket_id("XXX") for Branch actions. The "XXX" placeholder should be replaced with your ticket ID.

Example value of _track.fetch_ticket_by_ticket_id("ticket_id_here") variable
  "id": "ticket_123",
  "status": "open",
  "assignee_names": ["George Maputol"],
  "assigned_team_names": ["VIP Managers"],
  "customer_name": "team"


Fetches all tickets associated with a customer's email address.

For example, to use the value saved for customer location, use {_track.fetch_tickets_by_email("XXX")} for Message actions and _track.fetch_tickets_by_email("XXX") for Branch actions. The "XXX" placeholder should be replaced with your customer email.

Example value of a _track.fetch_tickets_by_email("customer_email_here") variable
    "id": "ticket_123",
    "status": "open",
    "assignee_names": ["George Maputol"],
    "assigned_team_names": ["VIP Managers"],
    "customer_name": "team"
    "id": "ticket_456",
    "status": "resolved",
    "assignee_names": ["Team Yola"],
    "assigned_team_names": ["CS Team"],
    "customer_name": "team"

Notes on Usage:

  1. Delimiters: Use {} delimiters only when required. For ProtoScript-enabled fields (</> ProtoScript), input variables directly without delimiters.

  2. Pre-Chat Form: Custom fields collected through the pre-chat form automatically populate into the _customer variable under custom_fields.

  3. Dynamic Data: Variables like _user_input update dynamically as the user provides new inputs.

Last updated