Find & View Conversations
Filter and display conversations with ease.
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Filter and display conversations with ease.
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In the Inbox dashboard, the left-side Inbox panel lists all conversations. These can be selected to open their message threads and details.
At the top of the Inbox panel, select to toggle visibility of the search field.
In the search field, input message content, e.g. "Hello" for all conversations with a "Hello" in them.
Press Enter to search.
Views are customisable, stackable filters used to show relevant conversations in the Inbox panel.
Select the views dropdown near the top of the Inbox panel, which contains the name of the last-selected view. Default views are:
All active conversations — livechats and tickets with an Active status.
Active Livechats — livechats with an Active status.
Active Tickets — tickets with an Active status.
My inbox — conversations assigned to you, of any status.
AI chats — chats that have not yet been transferred to a live rep from an AI assistant.
Open the views dropdown.
The Pinned views accordion near the top of the Inbox panel will contain a view button for each pin.
Select a view button to quickly filter the list by that view.
The number of custom views available across all users depends on the subscription plan.
To create a custom view:
Open the views dropdown.
Select + Create View.
In the opened menu, set the view's options:
Emoji (optional)
Availability for everyone in the sub-company or yourself only.
One or more Conditions used to list conversations across a broad range of criteria, include messaging channels, assignees (live reps), and tags.
Press Save to confirm.
To edit or delete a custom view:
Open the views dropdown.
In the opened menu, modify the view and Save it, or Delete and confirm.
In the Inbox panel, select Select Sorting.
Apply a Sort by option:
Creation date
Latest message
Person's wait time
Time since human handoff
Optionally apply a Sorting order with Ascending or Descending.
Requires the Pro plan for 3 splitscreen conversations, Total for 4, and Enterprise for 5.
More than one conversation can be opened at a time, enabling live reps to easily traverse between concurrent chats and tickets.
In the Inbox panel, select an initial conversation to open it.
Up to five conversations can be opened at a time.
Close a conversation panel by either:
Hover to the left of a view and select . Multiple views can be pinned at the same time.
To unpin a view, hover over its view button and select
Hover over the custom view and press
To cancel a sort, hover over the Select Sorting button and select
Again in the Inbox panel, hover over person's avatar to reveal the button.
Select to open that conversation in its own panel.
Selecting the on its top right; or,
Reselecting its button in the conversations list.