Proactive Messages

Engage website visitors by sending the initial popup message.

In the Proactive Messages accordion, the following options are available:

Proactive message colors

  • Message colour — the background colour of the proactive message bubble.

  • Quick reply button border colour — the border colour of any quick reply buttons.

  • Quick reply button colour — the background colour of any quick reply buttons.

Press Save to confirm changes.

The text colours of the messages and buttons will auto-adjust to be white or black depending on the chosen background colour.

Add a Proactive Message

At the bottom of the Proactive Messages accordion, press Create new proactive message. This generates an expandable, draggable card for each message.

Edit a Proactive Message

Expand a message card to see all its options.



Toggle the Enable proactive message switch to enable or disable the message in deployments.


Triggers will auto-expand the Webchat popover for a person to see the proactive message. If they have already opened Webchat, or have an ongoing conversation with a live rep, then proactive messaging will not engage.

In the card's Triggers tab, set how the proactive message appears:

  • Time on page — the elapsed time in seconds between page load and the message appearing.

  • URL rules — defines which webpages with Webchat embedded should or should not apply the current message.

    • Insert * as a path to include all pages, e.g. /solutions/* for all solutions subpages.

    • Insert ! to omit a path, e.g. !/solutions/government will omit a government subpage in conjunction with the above. This can only be used if another URL rule exists.

    Press Save to confirm changes.

  • API trigger — copy the Proactive message ID for implementation into your own service, where you can call the message with custom conditions.


A proactive message can send up to five text or media message bubbles when triggered, configured in the Messages tab.

Add, edit, duplicate, and delete text or media message bubbles using the respective buttons. The message types are:

  • Text message — standard inline text.

  • Media message — upload an image (.jpg, .png, .webp) or video (.mp4, .webm). Media can have any resolution or aspect ratio, but is displayed in chats at up to 260px width and 400px height.

Click-drag a bubble's reorder handle to change its position in the stack. The top message is sent to the person first, and the bottom is sent last. From the person's perspective, a small delay occurs between incoming bubbles to mimic a natural conversation flow.

Press Save to confirm changes.

Proactive message bubbles do not cost anything to send, and do not show up in conversation history. Your paid interactions are only consumed after a person interacts with Webchat, at which point the conversation history is logged.


The Buttons tab is for the optional addition of quick reply buttons directly after the proactive message, which the person can opt to press instead of typing a response.

Add, edit, duplicate, or remove up to five reply buttons, each with these options:

  • Button action — defines the button's behaviour:

    • Quick reply — the AI assistant will send a defined follow-up message.

    • Hyperlink — opens a URL in a new tab.

    • Jump to trigger — initiates a conversation route defined in the AI assistant's Action settings.

  • Button text — up to 40 characters.

  • Action details — defines the Button action's behaviour which can be a static reply, URL, or selection of an existing trigger (as established and enabled in the assistant's Action settings).

Use each button's reorder handle to change their order of appearance in the chat.

Press Save to confirm changes.

Delete a Proactive Message

  1. Open the respective message accordion.

  2. At its bottom select Delete and confirm.

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