Collect Feedback

Issue a CSAT at the end of a live rep chat.

Soliciting feedback is an interaction, a consumable resource in Yola.

The Collect Feedback action is used to solicit a person's opinion after their human chat experience.

It's pre-configured as part of the Chat Closed by Live Rep trigger, which initiates if a chat underwent a human handoff and is subsequently marked as "Closed" by the live rep.


The Collect Feedback action is pre-configured as part of the Chat Closed by Live Rep trigger. To find it:

  1. Select Close Chat by Live Rep from the parent table.

  2. Select Collect Feedback in the sub-page to open its settings:

    • Rating tab:

      • Webchat rating title — the title of the feedback survey form in Webchat.

      • Rating request message — the text sent for non-webchat messaging apps. Buttons labeled 1 to 5 will appear below it for quick selection, except Bitrix24 and Africa’s Talking, which require 1 to 5 texted in response.

      • Set chat variable — create or modify a chat variable to store the submitted rating value. This is only relevant for any actions placed immediately after Collect Feedback, as variables expire when the Chat Closed by Live Rep trigger completes all its actions—after which a new session begins with the AI assistant.

    • Settings tab:

      • Feedback submission message — text sent to the person after they complete the survey.

Press Save to confirm edits.

Chat Experience

When a live rep closes a chat, the feedback survey is automatically sent to the person as either a form (for Webchat) or a text message (for all other apps). For Webchat, the form will match the branding from its settings.

View Feedback

In Inbox and Livechats dashboards

  1. Open the Inbox or Livechats dashboards.

  2. Select a conversation to open its Details panel.

  3. Under Details, locate:

    • Rating — displays the star rating submitted by the customer.

    • Feedback Timestamp — indicates when the feedback was submitted.

In Analytics dashboards

  1. Open the Analytics dashboard.

  2. In the General Metrics Section, view the average feedback scores.

  3. In the Users and Teams section, use the filter dropdown to view metrics for specific reps or teams.

Last updated

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