Deploy an AI assistant to Telegram.
Publish to Telegram with the Total plan and above.
Requires a Telegram account.
Publishing an AI assistant to Telegram allows your audience to interact with the assistant—and subsequently with live reps—in a Telegram thread.
In the assistant's Publish tab, create a Telegram channel or select an existing one from the table to open its settings.
Basic Settings
In the Basics accordion, the following options are available:
Name — the internal name of the channel, used to distinguish from any other Telegram channels the assistant is published to.
Default chat language — the language used by the AI assistant at the start of a new chat. Available languages are set in the assistant's General settings.
Icon — the channel's avatar seen by live reps in the Inbox dashboard.
Press Save to confirm edits.
Connecting to Telegram
In the Configuration accordion, a token is required from Telegram.
To get this, use Telegram's BotFather chatbot to create a bot and gets its token:
Login to your Telegram account and start chatting with BotFather, used to create new bots and change settings for existing ones.
Insert the
command to create a new bot.BotFather will ask for you to insert a:
Name — the bot's name shown to people who chat with it.
Username — the bot's short name, used in mentions and '' links. It must be 5-32 characters long and is case sensitive, and only include letters, numbers, and underscores. The username must also end in "bot", e.g. "help_bot" or "HelpBot".
BotFather will then generate the bot's token, which allows anyone to control the bot. If it's lost or compromised, use the
command to generate a new one.Insert the
command to disable the bot from being added to group chats, required for integration with Yola. Select the bot and type "Disable"In Yola, paste the token into the Telegram configuration's Authentication token field.
Press Verify. If successful, a<bot_username>
link will be generated and you can share this link with your audience.Press Save to confirm edits.
See Telegram documentation for a full list of BotFather commands and options.
Using Telegram
Follow the link generated in step 7 above to open a thread with the bot (your AI assistant) in Telegram.
Last updated
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